Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ego politics

When I watch an ad on TV featuring a 'beautiful person' who makes their living being an officially licensed carrier of physical beauty I find myself getting seriously angry. I wonder as to my reaction and I come up with this:

This is an unbridled display of ego.....the ego is a delusion.....this makes wallowing in it ridiculous...no...untruthful......this should be transparent.......like knowing you're watching an actor....yet I sense the model is buying into this mirage that is their own ego.......which makes the whole exercise enragingly fake......yet there must be a mass market for this or else I wouldn't be seeing it on prime time so often......this means that many others must also be buying into it.....meaning I may be in the minority......I wish someone else could see what I see and feel what I feel right now........AAAAARGGH......

So in the end my own ego gets assaulted by the realisation that I feel isolated and wish someone could reinforce the fragile reality I feel must exist. Ironic, eh? More effective methinks in hindsight to just accept diversity realities and my own conclusions as valid in and of themselves and the feelings that I have which are painful and speak of a need to look within. Keep on looping the loop......

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